DNS  probelm with along the Who changed my OS desktop ? Win8p not prepare me any Backup for previosu one ?

June   05 2013  17:46 win8p5

I am Host/Server sometimes looks like , as control the gpedit.msc and flush ipconfig / registerdns, flushdns... but not always?


Who did the OS changed ANYWAY? I did not. Since OS win8pro5 has not ready me any OS backup yet.

The desktop unexpectedly changed from mine to previous of mine while Win8p there is not any OS backup for me ?

Who "Modified it" for me for what , why not I was not noticed please?


See the edited attach please...


June 5th, 2013 12:50pm

gp such not the domain , users , network share unsimilar !

Feb. 23 2015  10:49 w7uw8.1p  Updated

GLF2 was ever mine PCname with McAfee who is not allowed to change the PCname.  GLF, GLF2 were 1st group label series when after the unlimited online back mcafee introduced into , PCname changed into some of by the Time-2nd-series PCname. That maybe cause the complex with McAfee or Intruders who has copied the PCname & MAC & IPv4 working on the network to today.

Since there two Devices shown with the same PCname at the McAfee account.  DNS just resolve the IP by a 24hr  or 3 times or reboot pc time detect the IP in the dyndns solution currently.

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November 14th, 2014 4:22am

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February 22nd, 2015 9:57pm

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